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Thread: "Unresolved External" error while building QtCreator

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Qt products

    Default "Unresolved External" error while building QtCreator

    I am building Qt creator from the Qt Creator 2.0.1 Sources files and the Qt4.7.1 libraries binaries. The build is in release mode
    The build platform is Windows with Mingw / gcc 4.4.0
    Everything seems fine, until the following link error occurs while attempting to build the file "help.exe".
    There is no "missing library" errors, I am using the make file which came with the Qt Creator source, so what I suspect is that I am linking against the wrong version of the Qt libraries for Qt Creator. What version of Qt does QtCreator needs in order to be built properly? Any other idea?


    g++ -enable-stdcall-fixup
    -Wl,-s -mthreads
    -Wl -shared
    -o ../../../lib/qtcreator/plugins/Nokia/Help.dll
    -L'c:/Qt/4.7.1/lib' -LM:/_Exchange/Qt/qt-creator-2.0.1-build/lib/qtcreator
    -lAggregation -lExtensionSystem -lUtils -lBotan -lNet7ssh -lCore -lFind -lQtConcurrent
    -lLocator -lQtHelp4 -lQtSql4 -lQtXml4 -lQtGui4 -lQtNetwork4 -lQtCore4

    Creating library file: m:/_Exchange/Qt/qt-creator-2.0.1-build/lib/qtcreator/plugins/Nokia/libHelp.a

    ./release/centralwidget.o:centralwidget.cpp:(.text+0x428): undefined reference to `_imp___ZNK8QWebView5printEP8QPrinter'

    ./release/centralwidget.o:centralwidget.cpp:(.text+0xf34): undefined reference to `_imp___ZNK8QWebView5printEP8QPrinter'

    ./release/generalsettingspage.o:generalsettingspage.cpp:(.te xt+0x24e): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN12QWebSettings14globalSettingsEv'
    ./release/generalsettingspage.o:generalsettingspage.cpp:(.te xt+0x25f): undefined reference to `_imp___ZNK12QWebSettings8fontSizeENS_8FontSizeE'
    ./release/generalsettingspage.o:generalsettingspage.cpp:(.te xt+0x36e): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN12QWebSettings14globalSettingsEv'
    ./release/generalsettingspage.o:generalsettingspage.cpp:(.te xt+0x37f): undefined reference to `_imp___ZNK12QWebSettings8fontSizeENS_8FontSizeE'
    ./release/helpplugin.o:helpplugin.cpp:(.text+0x8056): undefined reference to `_imp___ZNK8QWebView4pageEv'
    ./release/helpplugin.o:helpplugin.cpp:(.text+0x805f): undefined reference to `_imp___ZNK8QWebPage9mainFrameEv'
    ./release/helpplugin.o:helpplugin.cpp:(.text+0x806f): undefined reference to `_imp___ZNK9QWebFrame15documentElementEv'
    ./release/helpplugin.o:helpplugin.cpp:(.text+0x8091): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11QWebElementD1Ev'
    ./release/helpplugin.o:helpplugin.cpp:(.text+0x80b6): undefined reference to `_imp___ZNK11QWebElement7findAllERK7QString
    ./release/helpplugin.o:helpplugin.cpp:(.text+0x80db): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN21QWebElementCollectionD1Ev'
    ./release/helpplugin.o:helpplugin.cpp:(.text+0x80e1): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11QWebElementD1Ev'
    ./release/helpplugin.o:helpplugin.cpp:(.text+0x80ed): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN21QWebElementCollectionC1ERKS_'
    ./release/helpplugin.o:helpplugin.cpp:(.text+0x810a): undefined reference to `_imp___ZNK21QWebElementCollection5countEv'
    ./release/helpplugin.o:helpplugin.cpp:(.text+0x8120): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11QWebElementD1Ev'
    ./release/helpplugin.o:helpplugin.cpp:(.text+0x8134): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN21QWebElementCollectionD1Ev'

    and so on.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Qt products

    Default Re: "Unresolved External" error while building QtCreator

    More details.
    If I build Qt creator against the libraries which come with the SDK, then it compiles/link OK.
    If I use either 4.7.0 or 4.7.1 in the mingw.exe binary format available on then this link error ocurs. Note that all the executable/dll created before help.dll are created OK


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