I am junior software developer. I develop descktop applications using Qt application framework for 3 years. Currently I develop application that I putted(added) icons to it’s menues’ QActions, to buttons, to frames and windows, to textedit. I’ve created .qrc resource file and added icons from the resource file. I need to install the application on end user Windows XP(7) machine installing only .exe file and .dll libraries from the framework. When I install and launch the application on end user machine the icons are not visible, not loaded.The problem is that I have the icons visible only at the machine (OS) where I compiled and built the application and when putting the .exe file with needed .dlls(QtGui4.dll, QtCore4.dll,mingw10.dll,libgcc_s_dw2_1.dll) on the end user machine ( installation) the icons are not visible,not loaded.
I have tried to use external binary resources ( I’ve compiled .qrc file with rcc and putted QResource::registerResource(…) ) and also I have tried compiled in resources and also tried to put icons from separate files. I made all the needed according to Qt Reference Documentation – the Qt Resource System. My icons are added to to .qrc resource file.
But I see icons when I launch the application only at machine where I build the application and the icons are invisible when installing on end user machine. I build for Windows XP, 7. I also tried to install on end user machine the Qt SDK and copied my .exe file and .rcc file to directory ../Qt/2010.05/qt/bin, in such a case the icons are visible(loaded). But I don’t need the users(clients) installs something else and heavy besides my .exe file and .dlls of Qt you understand.
Please help, advise what is the problem with icons ( resources ), when you will help me I’ll help you too from my experience with Qt.