I have some trouble compiling Qxt on Windows with ssh support.
I checked libqxt's docs and it seems that it uses libssh2 (which is cross-platform afaik). I got an archlinux box and a windows 7 PC. Libqxt compiles nicely and runs with ssh support under my Arch fine. Problem is when I try to compile libqxt under windows. It compiles, but the ssh-related stuff are cut out.
I am doing the following:
Download Qt SDK for Windows from the site and install to D:\dev
Download precompiled libssh for windows ( http://www.libssh2.org/mail/libssh2-...-04/0043.shtml ) and extract to D:\dev\qt. Now when I start Qt Creator I can use the libssh2 functions inside and compile successfully. Now I download libqxt-tip.zip from the official website, extract into D:\dev and run Qt Command Prompt, cd to D:\dev\libqxt and configure.bat -prefix "D:\dev\qt" -I "D:\dev\qt\include" -L "D:\dev\qt\lib" -l ssh2 and then mingw32-make. It compiles, creates the Qxt*.dll files and with make install they go to the places they need to. Now when I open QtCreator I can use everything that Qxt provides EXCEPT the ssh functions. They give me errors complaining some qxtssh*.h files are missing, so I copy them over from the sources. Program compiles almost fine. Reaches end, spits a ton of undefined reference messages and quits with collect2: ld returned status 1 or so. I got the program dllexp and opened up QxtNetwork.dll and checked the functions in the DLL. Nothing connected to ssh. Now I ran nm -D /usr/lib/QxtNetwork/QxtNetwork.so.0.7.0 and it gives me the exact same list as dllexp, but at the end of the output I see lots and lots of ssh functions. Any hints? Thanks in advance for all replies!