Hi I'm trying to send Email from my qt-app.
I'm using the MailSender class. Source code can be found here:
The class is discussed here from post #9 and downwards:

The example client code provided in the thread doesn't seem right (and doesn't work) so this is what I use:

Qt Code:
  1. {
  2. qDebug() << "initializing Emailing...";
  5. MailSender test("smtp.googlemail.com", "myname@gmail.com", QStringList("kristofer.johansson@tkoprototyping.com"), "ett", "två");
  6. test.setSubject("Test2"),
  7. test.setBody("Ångström");
  9. test.setLogin("myname@gmail.com", "password");
  10. test.setSsl(true);
  11. test.setPort(465);
  13. test.setPriority(MailSender::high);
  14. if(test.send()) {
  15. qDebug() << "mail sent";
  16. }
  17. else {
  18. qDebug() << "failed to send mail";
  19. qDebug() << test.lastError() << test.lastCmd() << test.lastResponse();
  20. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

And this only results in a timeout error "Read timeout".

Any ideas on why that might be or an alternate setting/solution?
