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Thread: XML parsing error with QDom and QStreamReader

  1. #1
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    Question XML parsing error with QDom and QStreamReader

    Currently I struggle with parsing some XML data without idea how to solve my problem. What I want to do is to parse text data from one of the elements in XML, everything is working but not as expected.

    XML example:
    Qt Code:
    1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    2. <textData>
    3. <text>
    4. ...
    5. <des> Sample data with link <a href = ..> and bb code [bbcode], with entities &trade; </des>
    6. </text>
    7. </textData>
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    and I expect to get this:
    Qt Code:
    1. Sample data with link <a href = ..> and bb code [bbcode], with entities &trade;
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    Using QDom works fine, I can retrieve that text but the problem is that text is parsed. So I don't get <a href ..>.

    When I use QXmlStreamReader approach thing are getting even more frustrating because data stops on first entity occurrence (I'm using polish characters so ... utf-8 don't handle all of them).

    So conclusion that I cam up with is that error occur with text() function and parsing.

    And the question: is there a way to force QDom / QXmlStreamReader to output raw / unformated text? (currently I don't want to use regexp to parse id out, but it seams that's only way)

    Best regards.
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    Default Re: XML parsing error with QDom and QStreamReader

    First of all utf-8 handles polish characters just fine. Second of all if your xml file is not a valid xml file then, well... don't expect an xml parser to parse it. If you use entities (such as &trade;), they need to be declared first. If you want a verbatim copy of the contents of the tag, wrap the contents into a CDATA section.
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  3. The following user says thank you to wysota for this useful post:

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    Default Re: XML parsing error with QDom and QStreamReader

    Thanks CDATA is what I need.
    BTW. What do you mean that polish characters are handled fine. I always got for ó a "&oacute;", well I guess You mean that this is correct with I also agree.
    BTW. How to declare a entities?
    Last edited by Talei; 5th March 2011 at 19:39.
    In the near future - corporate networks reach out to the stars. Electrons and light flow throughout the universe.
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    Default Re: XML parsing error with QDom and QStreamReader

    Quote Originally Posted by Talei View Post
    BTW. What do you mean that polish characters are handled fine. I always got for ó a "&oacute;"
    I mean that utf-8 can handle polish characters very well. This site is utf-8 encoded and these characters are displayed properly: ĄĆĘŁNÃ“ÅšÅ»Å¹Ä…Ä‡Ä Å‚Å„Ã³Å›Å¼Åº

    BTW. How to declare a entities?
    I'm sorry, this is not a site for teaching XML. Google for XML+entity or something like that. You probably need to reference this document (or similar):
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  6. The following user says thank you to wysota for this useful post:

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