I'm new in GL as well as in UI in general. So it might be a strange question....

My software uses QGraphicsView with OpenGL view port. I have a lot of animation on the scene and if I do not have Vsynch image does not look good. Before now I forced drivers ( like on NVIDA control panel or ATI try tools ) to force Vsync yo "always on".

Now I want to do it from software. To enable it I have to call somehow function wglSwapIntervalEXT(1). So I have 2 questions...

1) Where should I call it ? So far the only place I see I can call it is inside Item's painting routines. But I want it to be global for the whole scene/view ( not a single item ).

2) How do I handle dual monitor issue ?
- is it possible to sync with both monitors ?
- if not how do I control with which one to sync?

Thanks in advance!