Dear all,

I am a novice in the use of QT.

I made a GUI with QT to control another program using the COM QaxWidget process.

However, I have a problem in trying to pass arguments to the program using the command: dynamicCall.

QAxWidget *My_App = new QAxWidget() ;
My_App-> setControl ("myProgram.App");
My_App-> dynamicCall ("Energy", "3000");

Until here, all things work fine...

But when I tried to use another array variable LayerThikness [ 2] instead of the Energy variable, I got error !!!
In fact, I want to pass this: LayerThikness[2] =1000.0
As you see, I'need to pass to the myProgram two arguments "2" and "1000.0"

I have tried something like this, but nothing is happening.

My_App->dynamicCall("LayerThickness (int) ","2", "1000.0");

Could you please help me

Any ideas are very welcome
Thanks in advance..