
I'm thinking about the best, most efficient way to display large numbers of QPixmaps.
I had several Ideas:

1. Store all the QPixmaps in a subclass of QWidget and in the paintEvent iterate over all those QPixmaps, calculate the right position for each and paint it.

2. Store the individual QPixmaps in a subclass of QWidget and use the paintEvent to paint the pixmap. Those objects would then be organized in a QGridLayout, which I would have to redo in a resizeEvent.

3. Store the individual QPixmaps in a small container Class (not a subclass of QWidget) and, within a subclass of QWidget, store them in a sort of dynamic GridLayout so that I wouldn't have to calculate the positions in each paintEvent.

What do you think? My main concern is efficiency on slower systems like tablets or small laptops, and a short delay when the QPixmaps are created and maybe when the window is resized would be allright, but not each time it's painted.