I have Qt 4.1.4 installed together with mingw 5.0.2 on Windows XP and I can compile without problems from the command prompt. Now, for various reasons, i need to compile a project i'm working on from within cygwin. Initially cygwin had troubles dealing with the "\" path characters in the Makefile. After changing them all to "/" the compilation seemed to work until i got the following error:

/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.3.3/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: crt0.o: No such file: No such file or directory.

Obviously, there is no crt0.o-file and i don't really know why it's looking for it. Perhaps it's a bug due to my fingering with the Makefile? I've searched the Makefile for most derivations of crt0.o but have not found anything.

Now, when i've tried to compile via cygwin previously i've had to use the mingw32-g++.exe instead of g++.exe to force it to compile for i386. The reason, as i understand it, is that mingw32-g++.exe is supposed to automatically set the machine and version variables. But now that is having no effect and i'm getting the above error regardless of which .exe i use.

Any ideas?