Hi all,

I have a qt based application (named as qtapp) on Ubuntu. The application uses Cg and OpenGL graphics libraries. I compiled the application using shared libraries.

I followed instructions from web on deploying qt applications step by step:
1. copy the executable file qtapp,
2. copy the dependent libs (got lib info using "ldd qtapp"),
3. create a sh file (named as vis.sh) to let qtapp find dependent libs.

The function of my application is to read a gzip raw 3d image data file and then render this data in a qt window.

When I copy the executable file qtapp with dependent libs together to another Ubuntu PC and run the vis.sh file, the application says that "The file could not be read". The qt window is also blank. It means that the qtapp did not read the 3d image data file and get it to render.

I think my problem is similar to this link:

But I did not use any plugins, I only use zlib for gziped raw data. Would you please help me how to solve this problem?

Thank you very much!