
I'm trying to get the Sceye-Scanner to work with Qt.
The manufacturer provides .ocx files, and I used dumpcpp to create QAxWidget subclasses.
The problem is that the scanner provides a live-preview feature, and as soon as that is switched on the application crashes from within the main event loop, when calling DispatchMessage().

Scanning without a preview doesn't work either. The scanner freezes mid-scan and I get the following output:
Qt Code:
  1. QAxBase: Error calling IDispatch member GetFrameAsync: Exception thrown by server
  2. Code : 264
  3. Source : SC_MenuCam
  4. Description: Automation error
  5. Help :
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Does anyone have any experience with issues like that, or maybe even with Sceye?
Every help would be very appreciated.