I have a main window with tabWidget that contains multiple tabs.
tabs are widgets like QTextEdit or user define graphic widgets.
I have been having hard time to figure out how to detect changes from those tabs.
I need to detect changes.
so that i can change the tab name to file.txt* when the changes are unsaved. (need the asterisk).
and ask user if they want to save before close.

From what i researched, changes can be found by
or the QUndoGroup/QUndoStack frame works.

i tried
QMessageBox msgBox;
msgBox.setText("The document has been modified.");
but it does not seem to work.

regarding to the undo frame work. Seems like it has to hard coded every actions/commands for undo and redo.
in other words, have to implement the actions that cause the undo to be enable.
is there an easy way to check isModified for Widgets?