
I'm writing a new widget and I have some issu that I don't understand.

The aim of that widget is to configure a sound object. This class has some parameters and at least two properties (PlayMode and RestitutionMode) recorded in two variables which type is an enumeration.

My problem is in the functions that returns the value of those two variables. In my opinion the syntax is correct but the compilation failes so maybe it's due to something else that is linked with Q_ENUMS or Q_PROPERTY, I hope someone will be able to help me.

He are my questions :
What is wrong with my code ?
* The compilation errors I got are the following
Qt Code:
  1. ./SoundConfigurator.cpp(122) C2143 : syntax error, missing ";" before 'tag::id'
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
Qt Code:
  1. ./SoundConfigurator.cpp(122) C2501 : 'PlayMode' : missing storage class or type specifiers
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

* What is the use of Q_ENUMS and Q_PROPERTY ? (I read the documentation but the index does not find any entries for Q_ENUMS and Q_PROPERTY)

Thansk in advance