Hi everyone,
I have a code written in C++ (code.cpp) which uses a library called minuit. I usually compile it with a command line:
g++ -g -O2 -o code.out -I/home/Minuit-1_7_6/include -L/home/Minuit-1_7_6/lib -llcg_Minuit code.cpp
Now I made a GUI to do the same thing , and I have rewritten code.ui.h to do what code.cpp used to do. But I am not able to change code.pro (which generates the Makefile using qmake) to link to the minuit library . Could anyone, please, help me to solve this problem? Thanks
DEPENDPATH += header
INCLUDEPATH += . header
INCLUDEPATH += /home/Minuit-1_7_6/include
LIBS += -L/home/Minuit-1_7_6/lib -llcg_Minuit
CONFIG = qt warn_off release
# Input
HEADERS += code.ui.h \
INTERFACES += code.ui
SOURCES += main.cpp