I've been searching a lot a solution but I can't find in the API or any other place...
I'm using as my target Symbian^3 and I'm reading the camera in this way just like the Qt Mobility documentation suggests:

Qt Code:
  1. camera = new QCamera;
  2. viewFinder = new QCameraViewfinder;
  3. camera->setViewfinder(viewFinder);
  4. camera->setCaptureMode(QCamera::CaptureStillImage);
  5. camera->start();
  6. this->setCentralWidget(viewFinder);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

It works fine and shows the camera into the screen...
However I'm developing an application which modifies the image through openCV. openCV has an object for images, IplImage. I can make the conversion between a QImage and an IplImage, so, what I need is to grab a frame each time a timer ticks into a QImage.
I've found that I can define a QCameraImageCapture and call its capture() method which will trigger the imageCaptured() signal which has the pointer to a QImage as a parameter. However this capture() method saves the image into the disk as a file... so, I don't need that. I just need to have the grabbed frame as a QImage...
I've also tried with no success using the render() method from QWidget because viewFinder is a QCameraViewfinder which is also a QWidget because when I use the pixel() method from QImage it always return (0,0,0) as the color of any pixel.

If anyone knows how to do that conversion from QCamera to QImage plz lemme know, I'll appreciate it...