
I would like to develop a multi-windowed application using Qt (like .,eclips IDE), but I don't know how to proceed.

Usually for a standard application one just needs to create a QMainWindow and then to add QWidgets in this main window. However to my understanding this is not the same in a multi-windowed application since there are multiple windows at the same time.and communication between the windows,those multiple winows should be maximizable,minimizable and close.
and i should able to put splitter or layout between those windows so that if i close any window then other windows should take its space in the mainwindow .

So I have question:

1) Am i able to achieve like eclipse ide in Qt ?
and i have seen that QMdiArea , but the problem is i am not able to put any layout between the windows, and when i expand the mainwindow its child windows were not expanding .....
so can anybody help in this..........

thanks in advance