
I'm currently working on a project which involves showing continuously changing data as changing color blocks. The problem being: the color blocks must be able to be moved on the scene, that's why I'm using a QGraphicsView, and it appears to be WAY slower than a regular widget.

You will find a zip filed attached illustrating the problem : testspeed.zip
When you start the application you will see 8 QLabel's fading from yellow to green based on a sinus function. The color is applied to the label with a setPixmap(). The pixmap is filled every frame. This is relatively fast, I get results of 5000 Frames Per Second.

Then you can check the checkbox "Use GraphicsView" and you will see the FPS drop ! Mine drops to 60! I don't understand that, because I use exactly the same procedure as the QLabels. In this case, QGraphicsPixmapItems are applied a pixmap with setPixmap() and the pixmap itself is exactly the same as the above procedure...

Can someone help me improve the FPS ?

Thanks in advance.