I have a giant image cut into tile pieces.

The tile pieces store a QGraphicsPixmapItem that has been added to a scene.

On rare occassions, the user may choose to change the color table the image is using.

When the user chooses to change the colors, I attempt to change the QGraphicsPixmapItem in the following manner:

image = QGraphicsPixmapItem*
table = QVector<QRgb> (passed in from a function)

Qt Code:
  1. QPixmap tempPixmap = image->pixmap();
  3. QImage tempImage = tempPixmap.toImage();
  5. tempImage.setColorTable( table );
  7. tempPixmap = tempPixmap.fromImage( tempImage );
  9. image->setPixmap( tempPixmap );
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Now since these Pixmaps have already been added to the scene, shouldn't they draw under the new color scheme?

After this function runs, nothing changes on the display. It's still on the old color scheme.

Any help would be much appreciated.