Hi all

I am new to Qt. I have a question:

I'm trying to convert a string like this type path C: / Dir1/Dir2/Dir3
in a chain like this C: \ \ Dir1 \ \ dir2 \ \ dir3 as I can tell it to qprocess then that is the path from where I launch the executable

where path has to be of this type C: \ \ Dir1 \ \ dir2 \ \ dir3 and what I get is
C: / Dir1/Dir2/Dir3

processDes.setWorkingDirectory (path);

Process.Start ("msiexec.exe", QStringList () <<"/ qf" <<"/ uninstall" <<"openofficeorg31.msi");

When I launch the process Uninstaller window opens but when I close.

Someone could help me with this?

Thank you.