
I have QWebView object and I use customContextMenuRequested() signal connected to my slot createPopupForOutput(). Obviously I have 2 cases when my menu must appear: 1) after right mouse button (RMB) click and 2) after key Qt::Key_Menu press. RMB works as I expect, but Qt::Key_Menu works wrong (no menu appears). I debugged my app and discovered that in both cases my slot createPopupForOutput() is called properly (so this is no my event handing fault). I think that the only difference is that parameter to createPopupForOutput(const QPoint& aPoint) is (0, 0) when I press Qt::Key_Menu and aPoint has other values when I click RMB (for example (178, 46)). So my question is:

How to raise custom popup menu on QWebView by pressing Qt::Key_Menu?
