I have recently started using QT, before I was more of CLI antusiast, but I required to make custom graphs from data collected by several sensors. It wasnt so hard to make simple QWidget based application to read data from file and paint graph with Qwt. Now I need step forward, I want to connect from my cli app to QT app to paint graph without having to dump data into text file. Time saved and realtime view of graph are great advanteges.

I know there is network support in QT, even some examples, but my problem is I can not depend on QT in my CLI app, becaouse it runs on embeeded computer and there is no way to use QT there. I could make the TCP/IP connection "by hand", but I wonder if someone have any better idea for this? Maybe there is a way to use QT on one side and something light (possibly written by hand) on the other? I am very into "by the book" solutions, problems wth easy workarounds are always pain in the ass when one need to improve things anmy time later.

Thanks in advance