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Thread: [S]Privileges/Permissions problems after running Qt Creator with priviliges on Linux

  1. #1
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    Default [S]Privileges/Permissions problems after running Qt Creator with priviliges on Linux

    I've runned Qt Creator with root rights and now it gives me Permissions errors on 2 files when I run Qt without priviliges.
    On run:
    1: "Cannot overwrite file [my home dir]/.config/Nokia/qtversion.xml: Permission denied" - 4 times appeared this error

    On exit:
    1: "Cannot overwrite file [my home dir]/.config/Nokia/toolChains.xml: Permission denied"

    Ok, solved the problem myself
    went into the folder:
    "cd ~/.config/Nokia"
    then changed the mode for this 2 files:
    1. "sudo -s"
    2. "chmod g+w qtversion.xml"
    (I tried chmod +w for both files and didn't worked, sometimes u have to indicate if it's user, group or other)
    3. "chmod o+w qtversion.xml"
    u can try "chmod go+w qtversion.xml" so u don't have to write 2 times - I didn't tried
    4. "chmod o+w toolChains.xml"
    5. "chmod +r qtversion.xml" (same here, u may try "chmod go+rw qtversion.xml" - I didn't tried)
    6. "exit"

    That's it.

    1 more:
    "Cannot overwrite file [my home dir]/.config/Nokia/qtcreator/default.qws: Permission denied"

    The solution:
    "sudo -s chmod o+w ~/.config/Nokia/qtcreator/default.qws"
    Last edited by Alliancemd; 27th October 2011 at 17:58.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: [S]Privileges/Permissions problems after running Qt Creator with priviliges on Li

    This issue can not be solved only by using "chmod" command because you need to change the "~/.config/Nokia/" folder's user and group name.
    By default it is assigned to root group and user, I meant that you also have to use two other commands, which are: "chgrp" and "chown"

    so the steps to solve this problem are: ~/.config/
    2.sudo -s
    3.chmod ugo+rwx Nokia (it will add read, write and execute premission to everyone)
    4.chown root [your username] Nokia (example: chown root alex Nokia)
    5.chgrp root [your groupname] Nokia (example: chgrp root alex Nokia)

    Note: by default you can write your group-name as your user-name.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: [S]Privileges/Permissions problems after running Qt Creator with priviliges on Li

    I'm not sure if the above 2 posts helped you to solve this problem. I encountered this but neither of the posts helped me. I asked around in the #ubuntu irc channel and the user timfrost suggested executing the following command :

    find ~/.config/Nokia -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chown $USER

    This worked like a piece of cake. Hope this helps for future viewers of the forum as well.


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    Default Re: [S]Privileges/Permissions problems after running Qt Creator with priviliges on Li

    I tryed all these sugestions, but no one fixed the problem.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: [S]Privileges/Permissions problems after running Qt Creator with priviliges on Li

    Quote Originally Posted by kjp_1212 View Post

    I'm not sure if the above 2 posts helped you to solve this problem. I encountered this but neither of the posts helped me. I asked around in the #ubuntu irc channel and the user timfrost suggested executing the following command :

    find ~/.config/Nokia -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chown $USER

    This worked like a piece of cake. Hope this helps for future viewers of the forum as well.



    chown -R $USER directory

    Would do the same.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: [S]Privileges/Permissions problems after running Qt Creator with priviliges on Li

    Not one of these tricks is working on Ubuntu 12.4.5 with the latest creator. I changed owner down my entire directory tree. While that fixed the error window, it __still__ loses all settings each and every time I start it. My editor config, recent file list, everything.

    There is some file outside of the user directory where it is writing.

    I should note that I installed from the _run file so all of Qt is under my user directory. We no longer have to build as root for this project so I am starting with a different shell script, but not much different.

    cd /home/developer/Qt5.4.2/Tools/QtCreator/bin

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    Thumbs up Re: [S]Privileges/Permissions problems after running Qt Creator with priviliges on Li

    Quote Originally Posted by kjp_1212 View Post

    I'm not sure if the above 2 posts helped you to solve this problem. I encountered this but neither of the posts helped me. I asked around in the #ubuntu irc channel and the user timfrost suggested executing the following command :

    find ~/.config/Nokia -print0 | sudo xargs -0 chown $USER

    This worked like a piece of cake. Hope this helps for future viewers of the forum as well.


    This worked.

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