I've runned Qt Creator with root rights and now it gives me Permissions errors on 2 files when I run Qt without priviliges.
On run:
1: "Cannot overwrite file [my home dir]/.config/Nokia/qtversion.xml: Permission denied" - 4 times appeared this error
On exit:
1: "Cannot overwrite file [my home dir]/.config/Nokia/toolChains.xml: Permission denied"
Ok, solved the problem myself
went into the folder:
"cd ~/.config/Nokia"
then changed the mode for this 2 files:
1. "sudo -s"
2. "chmod g+w qtversion.xml"
(I tried chmod +w for both files and didn't worked, sometimes u have to indicate if it's user, group or other)
3. "chmod o+w qtversion.xml"
u can try "chmod go+w qtversion.xml" so u don't have to write 2 times - I didn't tried
4. "chmod o+w toolChains.xml"
5. "chmod +r qtversion.xml" (same here, u may try "chmod go+rw qtversion.xml" - I didn't tried)
6. "exit"
That's it.
1 more:
"Cannot overwrite file [my home dir]/.config/Nokia/qtcreator/default.qws: Permission denied"
The solution:
"sudo -s chmod o+w ~/.config/Nokia/qtcreator/default.qws"