Hi everybody,

In my application, i am using third party function, that is taking more time for executing(approx 10 sec).
For this duration i have to show busy wait, mean processing is going on and blocking the rest of the application.

i have tried QProcessDialog for this but it's not successful.

QProgressDialog progressDialog("Processing...", "Abort", 0, INT_MAX, this);
QProgressBar* bar = new QProgressBar(&progressDialog);
bar->setRange(0, 0);



progressDialog.setValue(progressDialog.value() + 1);

thirdPartyFunction(); // this function taking much time.


It's not working, mean it's even not displaying progress dialog, but if i am using QCoreApplication:rocessEvents(); then progress dialog
is displaying but not updating.
I have even tried with QThread, but not became success.

Can you explain me anybody, how to solved this problem ?
My problem is whenever i am using some long operating function, i have to show busy wait in foreground.