QT Creator 2.2.1 - compile with mingw
QT 4.7.3
Windows 7 32 bit

I have a simple start at a qt application which access a MSSQL server via the ODBC driver. The application compiles and runs fine in both debug and release versions when the dlls are in the same directory on my computer (development machine). When I zip all the files together and send to another non-dev machine it does not work, it errors out with: "Cannot load database driver", which tells me that the QODBC is not "found?"... The files I am including in the release version are:
icons (folder)
qtmsSQL.exe (App)

I cannot attach the dependancy walker file for info, but the highlights are this: (ran on dev machine)
It shows under the exe: kernel32.dll, mignwm10.dll, msvcrt.dll, (shortcut)msvcrt.dll, libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll, qtcore4.dll, qtgui4.dll, qtsql4.dll.
in Module breakdown...
There is an hourglass symbol + yellow questionmark by IESHIMS.dll ("Error opening file. System cannot find the file specified (2).")
There is a red box by SHLWAPI.dll - no other info noteworthy to me anyway...
There is an hourglass symbol + red box by IEFRAME.dll - no other info noteworthy to me anyway...

In comment window the following:
Warning: At least one delay-load dependency module was not found.
Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module.

I am unclear as to how to use dependancy walker, should it be run on the dev machine or on the machine with issues... What does it mean when they are red?
Anyway, in case I am missing something in my pro file, it is attached for reference:
Qt Code:
  1. # -------------------------------------------------
  2. # Project created by QtCreator 2010-03-25T20:08:06
  3. # -------------------------------------------------
  4. QT += sql
  5. TARGET = qtmsSQL
  6. TEMPLATE = app
  7. SOURCES += main.cpp \
  8. dialog.cpp \
  9. ../qtWidgets/recordNav/dbrecordnav.cpp \
  10. employeeform.cpp
  11. HEADERS += dialog.h \
  12. ../qtWidgets/recordNav/dbrecordnav.h \
  13. employeeform.h
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Finally, sorry if this is super easy, I am just confused. When I have deployed other QT Apps all that I needed was to make sure the correct dlls (QtCore/QtGui/mingw) were in the exe directory and it all worked well. Hope someone can (and will) shed some light on this issue!