Hello, I'm new in this forum. I found a lot of information here that helped me before, I hope someone can help me in this new problem.
I'm using QwtPlot to draw a x-y graph, but I have a lot of information to draw, not just one curve, and some of those information have scale completely different. Some information have small numbers (-0.0005 to 0.0005) and some information have big numbers (1000 to 2000). When I draw all information together using just one y-axis, I have to scroll the graph to see all curves because one information could be at the end of the range and another one at the beginning. It would be better for me if I can plot all curves and each one has its own y-axis, and then I can have a different range and scale for each one and show all of them using just one graph. I have to see all my curves together, because I have to compare them, when I cannot see all curves in the screen I cannot compare.

I don't know how to do it and actually I don't even know if it's possible. I hope I explained in a way that someone can understand me and help me with this problem.
I attached two pictures to explain what I have and what I need.

This picture is what I have know, just one y-axis:


This picture is what I need to do:


I hope someone can help me.
Is it possible to do? How can I do it?

Thanks in advance