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Thread: Plugin Handling with QtWebKit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Qt products
    MacOS X Windows

    Question Plugin Handling with QtWebKit

    Hi out there,

    since there are some web plugins that did not work in any condition (cooliris for Safari on Mac OS Lion) and forces my application to crash, I was wondering whether there is a possibility to forbid those plugins to load. I really need the flash plugin but I want to reject all other plugins. I can't tell the users to uninstall crashing plugins when I ship my application. I'm searching for this all day long for now.

    Hoping for an answer or at least becoming this a feature request for the API.

    Regards Zanjy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Re: Plugin Handling with QtWebKit


    This would be a really cool feature!

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