Hi, Everyone

I hope you can help.
I am testing using Linux and Qt.
It is the check using IPv6.

The version is as follows.
Linux : 2.6.18
Qt : 3.3

< tested by IPv4 >
The result was OK.
Qt Code:
  1. Server::Server( QObject* parent ) : QServerSocket(QHostAddress(""), 30000, 1, parent)
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
The result of netstat.
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
> tcp 0 0* LISTEN

< tested by IPv6 >
The result of IPv6 was NG.
It was not able to open the specified port.
Qt Code:
  1. Server::Server( QObject* parent ) : QServerSocket(QHostAddress("2002:1:1:1:1:1:1:350"), 30000, 1, parent)
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
The result of netstat
> The specified IP address and port was not displayed.

The QServerSocket:: ok was returns "false".
And error messages are following:
> QServerSocket: failed to bind or listen to the socket

I would like to perform connection which used IPv6 in this environment.

Does anyone know?