I have a treeWidget that I am populating with positional data (3 columns x, y, z) that has several thousand rows. I am able to select each individual column and perform a drag and drop over to a table widget. This method works, but all of the data being exposed in the treeWidget is cumbersome. Now I would like to replace all of that data in my treeWidget with just having text that says "Position". I would then like the user to be able to select the "Position" text and drag and drop it over to the tableWidget with all of the data getting populated in the treeWidget. Does anyone know how to do this?? I think dragEnterEvent and dropEvent (maybe others?) would need reimplemented, but I'm not sure how to get the positional data to "attach" to the drag and drop event. Hope this is clear.


Qt 4.1.4 - MSVC 2005