Quote Originally Posted by jacek
Please, read my post again:

If rpm -qf tells you that libkdeui.so is owned by package named xyz-123 then just install xyz-devel-123.
I ran the command you gave me. The corresponding devel packages has been installed
my problem is that the headers are not installed here is the shell output.
Qt Code:
  1. [root@x1-6-00-09-6b-40-03-e7 root]# rpm -qf /usr/lib/libkdeui.so.4.2.0
  2. libkdecore4-3.2.3-93mdk
  3. [root@x1-6-00-09-6b-40-03-e7 root]# rpm -qa |grep "ibkdecore*"
  4. libkdecore4-3.2.3-93mdk
  5. libkdecore4-devel-3.2.3-93mdk
  6. [root@x1-6-00-09-6b-40-03-e7 root]# find / -name "ktmainwindow.h" -print
  8. [root@x1-6-00-09-6b-40-03-e7 root]#
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And thanks for your input