Hello, I urgently need your help!

I'm trying to involve an AVT Pike camera into my Qt project. When I add the libraries to my .pro-file and instantiate a CFGCamera object (gives access to camera functionalities), the programm fails link(?) and gives me following errors:

:: error: undefined reference to '_imp__ZN9CFGCameraD1Ev'
:: error: undefined reference to '_imp__ZN9CFGCameraD1Ev'
:: error: undefined reference to '_imp__ZN9CFGCameraD1Ev'
:: error: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Since I use the MinGW compiler, I think that the following thread in AVT's Knowledge Base is the solution to my problems:
FireGrab with Dev C++ and MinGW/GCC compiler

The CFGCamera object of the MS VS C++ library FGCamera.lib could not be converted to MinGW compatible *.a library. That's why there's the C-wrapper FGWrap.dll providing the functions of the FireGrab interface to a camera handle instead of an CFGCamera object.

The FireGrab\Lib\Extra\FGWrap.lib could be loaded to your Dev C++ project easily as shown at the modified WrapSample.
FGCamera.lib has to be included just to initialize the module and get the nodelist.
But even with this approach I cannot access the camera. Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong? My .pro-file now looks like this:
Qt Code:
  1. INCLUDEPATH += C:/FirePackage/FireGrab/Lib/Extra
  2. LIBS += C:/FirePackage/FireGrab/Lib/Extra/FGWrap.lib
  3. LIBS += C:/FirePackage/FireGrab/Lib/FGCamera.lib
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
The Lib folder contains following files:
  • FGCamara.dll
  • convert.c
  • basetype.h
  • convert.h
  • errstat.h
  • FGCamera.h
  • FGCamera.lib
  • FGCamera_omf.lib

The Extra folder contains following files:
  • FGWrap.dll
  • Camera.h
  • FGWrap.h
  • IsoDma.h
  • FGWrap.cpp
  • FGWrap.lib
  • FGWrap_omf.lib

My main.cpp:
Qt Code:
  1. #include <fgcamera.h>
  2. #include <fgwrap.h>
  4. int main(int argc, char *arbv[])
  5. {
  6. QApplication a(argc, argv);
  7. FGHandle hCamera; //this is the substitute for the CFGCamera object
  8. FGNODEINFO NodeInfo[3];
  9. UINT32 NodeCnt;
  11. FGInitModule(NULL);
  12. FGGetNodeList(NodeInfo,3,&NodeCnt);
  14. hCamera = NULL;
  15. FGGetCameraHandle(&hCamera,&NodeInfo[0].Guid,NULL); //here it exits
  16. ...
  17. return a.exec();
  18. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
When I execute it, it exits at the mentioned line with a return value -1073741515. Since this is adapted from a sample I am pretty sure that the parameters etc. are fine. I could access the camera with MSVS2010 Express as well, no problem.

So how do I use the wrapper? Maybe someone could test it on his system, the library can be downloaded here.
Another possibility might be to generate a MinGW compatible library from FGCamera.dll with pexports(!?), but I don't know how to do that and if it's feasible, because AVT says it is not (see above).

Last to mention my setup:
Qt 4.7.0
Qt Creator 2.0.1
Windows 7

Sorry for cross-posting(?), but initially I picked up an old thread in the Qt-programming forum. I didn't want to bother them with newbie questions anymore.

Thanks for your assistance.