Hi all,

I create an application with qt4.7
I'm using a QTableWidget (tableData) and I define his property runtime.

Here I define a header
Qt Code:
  1. void AnaResults::SetHeaderRow(int row, QString dato)
  2. {
  3. newItem->setData(0,dato);
  4. const QColor color(76,123,200);
  5. newItem->setBackgroundColor(color);
  6. newItem->setSizeHint(QSize(280,20));
  7. ui->tableData->setVerticalHeaderItem(row,newItem);
  9. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

all it's ok!

But when I install the application on another pc, the color of the alls headers is wrong!!!
Do I missing some .dll on installation package???? I didn't find it!!!!

thans for help or suggestions!!
