I am making a simple music player for Symbian that uses FolderListModel and a Listview to select a file to be played. The problem is I don't know how to access delegates by index, directly from the Listview.

On clicking a file, the file is played using the Audio element. I also want to show some text in the Listview row that the file is playing e.g. "Playing" When another file is clicked, the "Playing" label of the currently playing file should disappear, and the new file should have its "Playing" label shown.

Is it possible to do this:
Listview.delegate.item[index].property = value

This is the delegate I'm using:
Qt Code:
  1. Component {
  2. id: songviewComponent
  4. ListItem {
  5. id: songItem
  7. Text {
  8. id: filename
  9. text: fileName
  10. color: "white"
  11. font.pixelSize: 22
  12. }
  14. Text {
  15. id: songStatus
  16. text: "Playing"
  17. color: "red"
  18. visible: false
  19. }
  21. onClicked: {
  22. // play file that is clicked
  23. // set playing label of current index to visible
  24. // remove other playing label
  25. }
  26. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Screen shot 2012-06-20 at 5.07.28 PM.jpg

Here is my mockup from the simulator. If I click on Sweetest Perfection.mp3 the "Playing" label should appear for that file only. If click on Waiting for the Night.mp3, the "Playing" label for other files should disappear, and only the label for that file should be visible. Also, when I click the stop button on the toolbar, all "Playing" labels should disappear.