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Thread: Add a starting value tick on axis

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Add a starting value tick on axis

    I need some hints to draw values on the left part of the x bottom axis (i.e. the starting values for the x axis) as in the attached picture.
    I created a QwtScaleExt: public QwtScaleDraw class which and worked on the draw method but without success.

    Kind regards
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Add a starting value tick on axis

    First you tell me what is this 10000..... looking like it is not the part of the axis....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Add a starting value tick on axis

    I have several curves which start from different initial times (in ms for instance) and I want to visually compare them on a plot.

    For example I want to compare the acceleration acquired from two different lap on the same track:
    Curve 1: (100000, 1) (100000, 2), etc...
    Curve 2: (200000, 1.2) (200000, 2.5), etc...

    To compare them I want that both start from x=0 and I want to write somewhere in bottom left part of the plot (possibly in the scale or in the plot itself) the starting time of each curve.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Add a starting value tick on axis

    Quote Originally Posted by temis View Post
    I need some hints to draw values on the left part of the x bottom axis (i.e. the starting values for the x axis) as in the attached picture.
    This position is probably one of the worst places to put some information - due to the composite architecture of QwtPlot and its layout code. When you assign different backgrounds for the children of the plot widget ( f.e modify the choco.css stylesheet in examples/stylesheet ) you will see the layout and understand why.

    I strongly recommend to find a different way to display the start value.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Add a starting value tick on axis

    Quote Originally Posted by Uwe View Post
    I strongly recommend to find a different way to display the start value.
    Thank you for the reply, any suggestion?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Add a starting value tick on axis

    Quote Originally Posted by temis View Post
    Thank you for the reply, any suggestion?
    No, how to design your user interface is something you have to discuss on your side - all I can do is to help with implementing it when using Qwt.


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