I discovered a rather strange behavior in my application under Windows. I'm developing an application under Linux and use it on Windows machines also.

I have a GroupBox holding a widget, and hide and show the widget depending on the toggled Slot of the groupBox.
In Linux this works really fine.

In Windows however the widget doesn't show when I start the application. When I click on the checkBox a second time. A new Window containing my widget pops out. I have really no idea how this can happen.
Anyone any advice?

Although I have some experience I'm not sure if this isn't a very noobish mistake and therefore post it in the newbs group.

thx for the help

Code looks something like this:

Qt Code:
  1. void myWidget::gbToggled(bool on){
  2. if(on)
  3. otherWidger->show();
  4. else
  5. oderWidget->hide();
  6. }
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