On suggestion from a user over at, I post the following question...

Has anyone successfully compiled the gecko engine in Windows XP with Cygwin? I really need the gecko engine for a help browser, because QTextBrowser does not support frames. The pages just show up as blank.

Every time I find someone who is successful at this on the net (mozdev forums), they never bother to respond back and tell how they did it. I know it can be done. I just need to know how to do it. I've heard of a 'recipe' on how to compile it on the net, but when I follow the only 'recipe' I found, I get scripting errors that nobody seems to know how to resolve.

I post this on these Qt forums instead of the mozdev forums because other Qt developers keep telling others to embed gecko, embed gecko, but they never bother to explain HOW. Well I've been coding for over 22 years and I can't figure it out! Can someone help me? It's for a non-profit project, and I'm using Qt 4.2.2 Open Source, so imbedding IE with ActiveQt is out of the question. Besides, I'd like for my app to be fully cross-platform, if I can help it.

Thanks in advance.