
I'm developing an application on Windows and Mac.
The problem is that I have manually set up the font size for some widgets (in the ui designer).
Under windows, the fonts are perfect, but on osx, they are too big.
Indeed, the font families are converted (MS Shell Dlg 2 to Lucida Grande), but not the font size, if they have been manually set.

So I decided to decrease the font size in the code, with some #ifdef, like this for example:
Qt Code:
  1. #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
  2. QFont font = ui->button->font();
  3. font.setPixelSize(12);
  4. ui->button->setFont(font);
  5. #endif
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

It's working but it's a bite annoying when you have a lot of widgets, so I'm open for any other ideas.

I have also a qtextedit which has this problem, and this solution doesn't works, cause it's the html code which need to be adjusted.
