Quote Originally Posted by Usability View Post
Did that, and it recompiled a few things but it still crashed on invocation.

I just tried the tool on another 64 bit Gentoo machine, and here it works. The main differences between the two are:
gcc version 4.1.1 on the working machine
gcc version 3.4.5 on the broken one.

QT Designer works fine on both.
Sounds weird. I'm not very familiar with 64bit machines and tracking GCC errors is too hard for me so I guess there's no way I can fix that... If GCC 4.x works fine on some platforms where 3.x fails I'll have to mention it in the readme.

The GUI looks good, you are too hard on yourself.
I must be missing something here...

My top 3 enhancement requests are:
  1. Double clicking a method in the class browser should go to the code for the method, currently all the methods open the header file instead. The class name its self could do that.
  2. A button to toggle between .h and .cpp file for the same class. I am always going back and forth between these two.
  3. Some obvious way of adding a breakpoint. Am I missing something here?
Anyway, I think its an encouraging project. The world really needs an IDE for debugging QT4 programs.

QDevelop locks up on both my Gentoo machines, so you are already ahead there
  1. I've thought about that but didn't find time to do it in a proper way yet. It should be added in a feature release but don't ask me when, I'm rather busy ATM.
  2. I was thinking about a context menu for class names to open either header or source. If that's not what you mean could you precise your button idea?
  3. I admit Edyuk lacks documentation and breakpoints are not that obvious...
There are currently two ways to set breakpoints :
  • graphically by right clicking on the leftmost part of the editor (on concerned line) and toggling the breakpoint entry
  • by hand through the "custom command" entry in Debug menu and typing the corresponding command
Note : the first method currently REQUIRES breakpoints to be set BEFORE starting debugging.

I'm thinking about improving this breakpoint issue (by adding a shortcut, among other things) but, once again, I lack time... Anyway, if I'm lucky and fast enough these three might find their way in the next upcoming release which will be issued before the contest ends.