
I am running a Ubuntu 12.04 installation with the latest Qt SDK. I've compiled OpenCV and imported the libraries into the QtSDK folders.

Qt recognizes the libraries and allows me to build the project if I include the following:

Qt Code:
  1. unix: LIBS += -lopencv_core \
  2. -lopencv_highgui \
  3. -lopencv_imgproc \
  4. -lopencv_objdetect \
  5. -lopencv_contrib
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The project runs correctly with no errors from the OpenCV until I try to get it to save an image as QImage.

If that wasn't enough, I've also got QML files serving as the user interface, and if I include any "Image" element in them, the program "unexpectedly exits". If I remove the OpenCV code, the program runs correctly with the Image element. If I remove the Image element and re-insert the OpenCV code, the program runs correctly (as long as I do not have QImage anywhere in my code).

I've tried to rebuild OpenCV, and try new Qt projects, but this "conflict" still remains between OpenCV and QImage (and QML Image element).

My colleagues are able to run the project without problems on their Windows 7 machines.

Please advise.