
I want to create a dynamic library for one of my softwares in Windows, so I guess that means I'll have to create a .dll.

The problem is that as far as I know, in order to use a .dll's function inside a Qt App you'll need to create an object of that lib class and than use the methods using that object (e.g.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JTooLxhmC0), and in fact I would like to create a lib whose functions could be used as the Standart C++ libs are used.

Just to remember, considering iostream.h, what you need to do is only to include the header file inside you C++ project and than use its functions only needing to declare the lib first:

#include <iostream>


iostream::cout << ...
and if one wants to not write the "iostream::" all times, he just needs to write:

using namespace iostream
(if I'm not mistaken! quite a lot of time since that last time I wrote a pure C++ app!)

So now all he needs to do is to write the functions normally in his app:

//some code

cout << "hahaha";

//some code

cin >> var;

//some code
So, how can I create a dll in Qt that can do this?

