
I derived QStackedWidget and added some minor, but important functionality. Now I need a seperate element (plugin) for Qt Designer for our designers to choose wether they want to use the unmodified QStackedWidget or our custom version. Promoting the QStackedWidget is out of question, a separate design element is explicitly demanded.

After reading the FAQ, examples, Qt doc, googling it and searching through the Qt Designer source code I cannot find any way to easily derive from the QStackedWidget element in Qt Designer. Is there any way to easily modify the QStackedWidget element in Qt Designer and add it as a seperate plugin?

(I read http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot...getplugin.html and similar documentation, but if I don't find any QStackedWidgetPlugin class or similar to derive from it's a lot of work to completely reimplement the QStackedWidget for Qt Designer)
