Hi, I have a problem with sending request by POST method. I need to obtain this kind of values:
Qt Code:
  1. [truncated] Cookie: PHPSESSID=ob2ruo5p0dkl4rka8gebalkjf5; __utmc=1; __utma=1.789422630.1347752739.1347752739.1347752739.1; __utmb=; __utmz=1.1347752739.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __utmc=122885273; _
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to send correct request. How do I get it? I use QNetworkAccessManager class to communicate with server, and checking requests by Whireshark where i found only this difference between original request and genereted by me. The server reply is: "Content-encoded entity body (gzip): 20 bytes [Error: Decompression failed]". Thanks in advance.