Hi,I am trying out an implementation for my header and source files with a user interface.
The default for Qt is that it generates the form below for the header and source files when using the wizard.
For example I wanted to create a class using QWidget as its base class.

the header file is:

#include <QWidget>
#include <QCloseEvent>
#include <QMessageBox>

namespace Ui{

class frmBitMainPanel;

class BitMainPanel : public QWidget


explicit BitMainPanel(QWidget *ParentPtr = 0);


Ui::frmBitMainPanel *UiPanelPtr;

void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *);

the source file is:

BitMainPanel::BitMainPanel(QWidget *ParentPtr) : QWidget(ParentPtr), UiPanelPtr(new Ui::frmBitMainPanel)


--question is, if I were to implement my headers to only contain function prototypes and the source files to contain the declarations such as the Ui::frmBitMainPanel *UiPanelPtr how would I go on about this?

I am going to migrate Ui::frmBitMainPanel *UiPanelPtr to the source file. Same goes with all future declarations. Is it possible?