I'm having problems trying to change the size of the Button of a QDateEdit when the calendarPopup is activated. I want the button be much bigger.

I already try putting a stylesheet like this:

ui->dateEdit->setStyleSheet("QDateEdit {"
"background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"
" width: 20px;"
" border: 3px solid lightgray;}"
"QDateEdit::drop-down {"
"subcontrol-origin: padding;"
"subcontrol-position: center right;"
"width: 50px;"
"border-left-width: 3px;"
"border-left-color: darkgray;"
"border-left-style: solid;"
"QDateEdit::down-arrow {"
"image: url(:/DateEditTest/Resources/Combobox Arrow.png);"
" }");

I'm not able to put the image of the arrow again.

I'll appreciate any help.
