I'm trying to customize the widgetbox widget of the qt designer for my scope.
I see that the widgetbox is a treeview with his category model, inside each item in the category model there is a widget class.
this widget class is a listview item that can store one or more listview items (with an icon, name ecc..).
this widget class has a custom delegate , like
Qt Code:
  1. bool CustomItemDelegate::editorEvent(QEvent *event,
  2. const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
  3. const QModelIndex &index)
  4. {
  5. const QSortFilterProxyModel* modelx =
  6. static_cast<const QSortFilterProxyModel*>(index.model());
  8. QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget widget =((WidgetBoxCategoryModel*)modelx->sourceModel())->widgetAt(index);
  9. ((WidgetBoxCategoryModel*)modelx->sourceModel())->refresh();
  11. m_strName = widget.name();
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

particulary i have a problem in this row:
QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface::Widget widget =((WidgetBoxCategoryModel*)modelx->sourceModel())->widgetAt(index);

indeed the index is the index of the listview items (widget)for the current category items and not the index in the items model (that is a list of category with a child widget)of the treeview if i have more than one category.
in this mode , if i have more of one category ,a widget with an index 1 is the first category,widget 1 but is also the second category with with widget 1!!
How i can correct?
i see that in the indexof there is amethod child , can be useful?