
My customer's develop board has already installed some QT libs under /usr/lib folder, e.g. libQtGuiE.so.4.5.2, libQtNetworkE.so.4.5.2, but in my cross compile environment, I only has libQtGui.so.4.5.2, libQtNetwork.so.4.5.2, w/o the trailing 'E' in shared library file name. I was using qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.5.2.tar.bz2 to install.

What's the difference between a libQtGuiE.so.4.5.2 & libQtGui.so.4.5.2, are they of the same version of QT? I'd like to make my cross compile environment has the same version of customer's develop board, to avoid possibly confliction, how could I do that?