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Thread: Determine a menu's caller, multiple buttons same menu (updated)

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    Default Determine a menu's caller, multiple buttons same menu (updated)

    Update: I had mis-typed part of my problem description. This is now corrected.

    Qt Code:
    1. //some container class
    2. QPushButton *a,*b,*c;
    3. //initialization code
    4. QAction *superCoolAction; //action initialized to release some signal, SCA_Signal
    6. QMenu *sharedMenu;
    7. //initialization code contains superCoolAction, it's parent is this container class
    9. a->addMenu(sharedMenu);
    10. b->addMenu(sharedMenu);
    11. c->addMenu(sharedMenu);
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    Now, when someone clicks on any of these buttons it will open the menu; and they may click the action (which will emit SCA_Signal), but I'd like this signal to contain data telling me which button released it. Boiling this question down further, I'm curious if there's a "who called me" style function I can use on menus.

    I ask because I know you can do this with Signals, but in that case it would just tell me the "menu" called it I believe. I've considered odd implementations such as releasing a signal when the button is clicked to "pre-empt" the next signal so I can bypass this issue; but that causes a coupling issue. I could instead prep the container class to catch SCA_Signal and clean it up, emiting a similar signal with the necessary information about who called it; but these both feel klugey.

    What's the best way to know which button opened a menu if it's a menu that is used on several buttons?
    Last edited by tescrin; 26th November 2012 at 21:33.

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