Does anyone know how to support subtitles (such as srt, sub, ass/ssa,
smi...) by Phonon which backend is phonon-backend-QuickTime? I check the Phonon source code,I find the MediaController class.It provide
some functions for subtitles.
Its coming soon. Checkout the plumbing-subs branch of pgst from git. But I try these code following which don't work.

//Create the new subtitle and add it to the list of available

if(mediaController == NULL)


mediaController = new Phonon::MediaController(media);


QString fileName = "/home/simon/Desktop/video/test.sub";
QHash<QByteArray, QVariant> properties;
properties.insert("type", "fi
properties.insert("name", fileName);
Phonon::SubtitleDescription newSubtitle(0, properties);
