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Thread: The debugger could not load the debugger helper library

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default The debugger could not load the debugger helper library

    Debugging Helper Missing
    The debugger could not load the debugging helper library.
    The debugging helper is used to nicely format the values of some Qt and Standard Library data types. It must be compiled for each used Qt version separately. In the Qt Creator Build and Run preferences page, select a Qt version, expand the Details section and click Build All.
    Continue Anyway Open Qt Options Turn off Helper Usage Hide Details...
    I'm running Qt 5, QtCreator 2.6.1, and MinGW 4.7. I compiled Qt myself and it works fine. Qt Creator won't display the nice debugger output for std containers; how can I get the nicely formatted debugging information?

    Does anyone have precompiled MinGW 4.7 / Qt 5 debug helper files they can send me? I completely have zero clue what I need to do to get the debugger information working. I downloaded the latest gdb-python version using mingw-get, and put it in my path, so a regular command-console run of "gdb" followed by "python print 23" prints out '23', but QtCreator still complains about the missing debugger helper library.

    When I go to Qt Options, there is no option to "Build All" like the pop-up message (quoted above) suggests - it's all greyed out:

    In an unrelated note, since I upgraded to QtCreator 2.6.1, the "on exception thrown" breakpoint doesn't seem to be working for me. The "on exception caught" breakpoint works though.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: The debugger could not load the debugger helper library

    Anyone know the answer to this?

    The QtCreator install works perfectly fine ('cept the problems mentioned above), and the manually-compiled Qt works perfectly fine, I just don't know how to manually compile the Qt and standard library debugger helpers, and where to install them to. QtCreator does not present the option to build them (it's grayed out), so how do I manually build them and where do I put them?

    I'd really appreciate any help someone could offer, short of "recompile from scratch and try again" - which is my final resort, and the kind of action taken when the real solution isn't known. =(

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