
I need to create a level editor for a videogame I am making, and I thought I could do it in qml, so I can learn it and see if I like it, but I am a bit lost, because the documentation is not so clear (in my opinion) explaining the different ways/how to integrate c++ with qml. I'd appreciate if someone points me into the right direction.

I want to do an application that uses qml for the interface, but:

-Uses c++ for the logic (usually it is recommended a plugin for this I think).
-a qml element has to be loaded dynamically depending on what the c++ logic says (specifically, I load from a file the level, that is tiled, and would have to create a grid of the size that the file says). For that I found this: http://doc.qt.digia.com/qt/qdeclarat...icobjects.html and this recommends using qml bindings, what I think is a different approach than plugins, and in this case the application should be qwidget based.

What I've tried right now is just creating the hello world application from the qt creator, it uses a c++ class called qtquick2applicationviewer to load the qml, but I am not even sure if this kind of application can do what I need (specifically point 2).