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Thread: Transparent image over video

  1. #1
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    Question Transparent image over video

    In my project I have video to display and at time I will need to overlay video with some image that has transparent background. I have tried setting transparent image as QPixmap into QLabel, but here is what I get, the transparency is visible when the label/image is over the main widget, but when the image is over the video, the transparency is over black background and no over the video. This I tried with QT 4.8.x

    Now when I got QT5, I decided to try it out. To convert my project to qt5, might take some time, so for testing purpose, i use "Player" example
    Then I added the following code:
    Qt Code:
    1. iconLabel = new QLabel(this);
    2. QPixmap p("controlNext.png");
    3. p = p.scaled(192,192);
    4. iconLabel->setPixmap(p);
    5. iconLabel->setGeometry(100,200,192,192);
    6. cb = new ControlButton(QIcon("controlNext.png"),
    7. QIcon("controlNextHovered.png"),
    8. QIcon("controlNextPressed.png"),
    9. this);
    10. cb->setIconSize(QSize(192,192));
    11. cb->setGeometry(300,200,192,192);
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    I have tried displaying transparent background image via QLabel and a QPushButton. ControlButton, is my custom button that I use in my project. Attached is what I get. The image is transparent over the application, but with black background over the video.

    Is there a way to set it up so that there will be no black background when widgets/images is over the video?
    I have searched this site, but seems without any luck. I have tried "Videos get pimped Published November 28, 2008 | By tbastian" at , but then no video is shown at all.

    Any help would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Qt products
    Qt4 Qt/Embedded

    Default Re: Transparent image over video

    I realize this is a shot in the dark given that this is a 2.5 year old thread...but.

    Did you ever resolve this issue? I'm having the exact same problems. Transparency worked great for me in qt4.6, but it's totally broken with qt5.3

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